Thursday, January 14, 2016

Disruptors in Snow and Ice Services

'However, neither of those disruptors change the need to have professional companies and their workers plowing and clearing snow and ice for safe passage.'

By Martin Tirado
Recently Accuweather posted this article on the on-demand snow (and lawn) services that have suddenly popped up. Many market sectors are changing as a result of ‘disruptors’, mostly based on technology advances that are being developed at a rapid pace. So is this, or other new services to the snow management profession, truly disruptive to business as usual? On demand could certainly work in residential plowing, commercial and larger scale facilities will present a more difficult challenge for on-demand service.

How about how companies buy or rent compact to heavy equipment? There is at least one company doing this, Getable, and certainly others competing with them or on the way. Snow and ice management companies already rent or lease equipment they need during winter seasons, I can certainly see plows and spreaders being offered in an on-demand or seasonal nature as well. Manufacturers and suppliers have business savvy and evaluate short and long term trends, they will continue to find a business structure that serves the needs of the market. 

What other disruptors exist that can change the way snow and ice services are delivered? Possibly multi-location brokers, verification and validation technology are a couple that exist now. However, neither of those change the need to have professional companies and their workers plowing and clearing snow and ice for safe passage. Our main disruptor may always be the unpredictability and variability of winter weather and the danger is poses to companies that do not have a business plan to adjust.

Have any of these disruptors impacted your winter season?

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